Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Reaction to Stop Motion Animation

It didn’t take long to do the Stop Motion Animation at all. We went outside to film and I was the camera man. Both the girls (Morgan and Danielle S.) were in sun-ware and I directed them on when to stop and when to go. It just got to the point where I would flash the camera and say go. I had tried clicking the camera continuously and allowing it to just flow that way with the flashes catching up to the actual amount of pictures the camera would take. Later on I found out that that wasn’t the best idea because the pictures were distorted, flipped, colored, angled, etc. and we had to film the scene all over again. We didn’t mind filming over again because it didn’t take long at all. I believe we had about two or three hundred frames and it took no time at all to do it. Honestly I feel that it was more of a pain in the neck to do the editing than to do the actual filming itself. It wasn’t hard to actually edit, it just took us a bit of a minute to learn how to navigate the program we were using which I think was iMovie. Over all it was a good experience that I would have never tried on my own essentially meaning I would have never found out that I could do it. Im glad we were forced/given this opportunity! =)

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